The World Peace Bell Prize
Tokyo office, Tokyo office

World Peace Bell Association
The World Peace Bell Prize
Tokyo office
1954年(昭和29年)ニューヨークの国連本部に戦争の悲惨さ、平和の尊さ、核戦争の廃絶を訴えるため、当時の愛媛県宇和島市長が国連加盟国65か国のコインから鋳造した「世界平和の鐘」を国連に寄付しました。その趣旨を継承するために1982年(昭和57年)4月に国連の「鐘」と同じ趣旨の鐘(106か国のコインで鋳造)を全世界に寄贈、世界平和の日を定め、鐘の音に核廃絶、世界は一つを訴え世界各国との相互理解を深めるためにNGO World Peace Bell Association, NGO ワールドピースベル協会は設立されました。
Organization overview
History and purpose of our organization
1954 (Showa 29), in order to appeal to the United Nations headquarters in New York about the misery of war, the value of peace, and the abolition of nuclear war, the mayor of Uwajima, Ehime prefecture at that time donated "World The Bell of Peace" to the United Nations, having cast from coins of 65 UN member countries. For the purpose of carrying on that purpose of the bell installed at United Nations, the World Peace Bell Association was established to appeal to the world and to deepen mutual understanding with countries around the world by donating a bell which cast with coins of 106 countries.

Secretary General Kofi Anan rang WPB at United Nations on the day of opening General Assembly session in September 1997.

WPB installed at Adam Campus, Lod city, Israel in 2017.
WPB was installed at courtyard of Ministry of Justice, Luanda, the Republic of Angola in 2020.
アメリカ 国連本部 1954年6月
ドイツ ベルリン市フォルックス公園 1989年9月
ポーランド ワルシャワ市公園 1989年9月
トルコ アンカラ市シンナーガーデン 1989年9月)
オーストラリア ニューサウスウェルス州カウラ市役所前 1990年11月
カナダ オタワ市 市役所中庭 1990年12月
メキシコ市カイノールアル・パルケリラ公園 1991年10月
モンゴル ウランバートル市の公園 1991年10月
ブラジル ブラジリア市ホリステイク国際大学 1994年7月
フィリピン マニラ ケソンメモリアル公園 1994年7月
アルゼンチン ブエノスアイレスの日本庭園 1994年7月
エクアドル キトー市 ラ・カロリーナパーク 1997年4月
アメリカ ロサンゼルス市マグアイア図書館 2001年1月
スペイン アルコベンダアス公園 2003年2月
ウズベキスタン タシケント市パプール公園 2003年4月
ニュージーランド クライストチャーチ氏 ボタニック公園 2006年10月
ポーランド ワルシャワ市 モコトウ文化センター 2016年9月
オーストラリア キャンベラ市奈良平和公園 2018年2月
イスラエル ロッド市 アダムキャンパス 2017年12月
ガーナ クマシ市 王宮内 2018年 1月
アンゴラ ルワンダ市 司法省中庭 2020年 11月
サンマリノ サンマリノ シテイセンター 2021年6月
北海道稚内市宗谷岬 1988年6月
沖縄県石垣市平和公園 1988年6月
大阪市鶴見緑地公園内 1990年3月
兵庫県尼崎市元浜緑地公園内 2005年9月
滋賀県大津市比叡山延暦寺根本中堂 2007年8月
The place of installation of the ’’World Peace Bell’’
The place and date of the installation of the "World Peace Bell'' is as follows.
United Nations Headquarters, June 1954
Germany, Volks park, Berlin, September 1989
Poland, Warsaw, Municipal Park, September 1989 (stolen)
Turkey, Ankara City, Cinnah Caddesi, Cankay, September 1989)
Australia, in front of Cowra City Hall, NSW, November 1990
Canada, Ottawa City Hall Courtyard December 1990
Mexico, al-Parquerilla Park, October 1991
Mongolia, City Park, October 1991
Brazil, International Holistic University, Brasilia City, July 1994
Philippines, Quezon Memorial Park, Quezon city, July 1994
Argentina, Japanese Garden in Buenos Aires, July 1994
Ecuador, La Carolina Park, Quito City, April 1997
USA, Los Angeles City, Maguaia Library, January 2001
Spain, Alcobendas City Park, February 2003
Uzbekistan, Tashkent City, Babur Park, April 2003
New Zealand, Christchurch, Botanic Park, October 2006
Poland, Warsaw, Mokotow Cultural Center, September 2016
Australia, Nara Peace Park, Canberra, February 2018
Israel, Adam Campus, Lod City, December 2017
Ghana, Royal Palace, Kumasi City, January 2018
Angola, Ministry of Justice, Luanda City, November 2020
San Marino, San Marino City Center, June 2021
(In Japan)
Cape Soya, Wakkanai City, North Road, June 1988
Ishigaki City Peace Park, Okinawa, June 1988
Osaka City Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park March 1990
Motohama Ryokuchi Park, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, September 2005
Hieizan Enryakuji Temple Nehonchudo, Otsu City, Shiga, August 2007
2018年に設置されたガーナ共和国クマシ市王宮内のWPB (アフリカ最初のWPB)
WPB installed at Royal Palace, Kumasi city, the Republic of Ghana in 2018, first WPB in African continent
Purpose of NGO World Peace Bell Association
■ What is the “World Peace Bell”:
We seeks to abolish the war, which is the most unlucky and guilty of humankind in the world, beyond the politics, religion, thought, philosophy, and racial gaps, knows the fear of nuclear weapons, and appeals for its abolition. The association was established with the aim of conducting international exchanges, deepening mutual understanding with other countries around the world, enhancing knowledge and culture, and spreading the circle of world peace with abundant love.
■ Movement of the World Peace Bell:
With the support of 103 countries around the world, coins and medals were provided, and the cast "World Peace Bell" was donated to the countries around the world and set up in the capital of each country. At the same time, we will set up our branch office in each country to develop a global world peace movements.
On the day of World Peace Day, which is held every year on the day of the opening of the UN General Assembly, ringing the “World Peace Bell'' that has been set up in each country in response to the bell-ringing ceremony at the United Nations, It is a world peace movement.
Movement policy:
● To encourage each country to donate coins and medals to the association from all countries including UN member countries and non-member countries. The "World Peace Bell" is basically set up in the capital of each country around the world, and at the same time, at the place where WPB is installed, a branch office is created to put the world into the activity.
● To deepen international exchange centered on the “World Peace Bell” established in each country and raise the fruits of international contribution to world peace.
● To publish ''World Peace News'' and report activities to embassies, members and support groups in each country to expand and revitalize this movement.

比叡山延暦寺に設置されたあるワールドピースベル: (毎年8月上旬に行われる世界宗教サミットで鐘打される。)そこでは仏教をはじめ、神道、キリスト教、イスラム教、ユダヤ教など世界のあらゆる宗教の指導者が参席される。)
World Peace Bell installed at Hieizan Enryakuji Temple where World Religious Summit will be taken place on every early August. Leader of the religion in the world, including Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism will be present at this summit.
For the purpose of attaining the above concept, this is the purpose of the Wo r l d Peace Bell Prize : to offer an annual prize for communities that have striven for and achieved progress in the dissemination of peace and communal development. Through this prize we strive to advance the global goal of ending violence and promoting just and peaceful societies by celebrating innovative, brave and inspiring initiatives that can become beacons of light for the rest of the world.
The prize will be given to a community that has demonstrated these qualities over a period of several years and can demonstrate its ability to actively contribute to peace and development as defined above. The prize will consist of a donation to the community of a World Peace Bell and guidance regarding its installation on a site coordinated by the community. The WPB Prize will also facilitate all aspects of the on-site installation and construction of the bell’s house or supporting structure.
The bell will be used at least once a year in the ringing ceremony on 21 September, the International Day of Peace. The WPB Prize will provide ideas for possible content for events around the world, creating a tradition that invites people to gather, express, discuss, and most importantly, to actively listen to each other. Application will be open to any community or communal body, of any size and in any location around the world.
The application process will be made as simple as possible so as to ensure that it is genuinely open to all, regardless of financial resources or cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Prizes will be given strictly upon merit and each year the Prize Board will offer as many WPB prizes as it deems fit, providing they meet the above mentioned criteria.
The WPB Prizes will be administered as a registered charity. Besides the administrative team, there will a selection committee with two levels: a group of professional Advisors will review and assess each and every proposal and advise on its suitability, before passing every successful application on to the P r i z e board who will decide to whom to grant the prize. The board will be comprised of seven to nine renowned figures who have demonstrated their commitment to the advancement and advocacy of peace.
They will be chosen from different continents and from diverse and varied professional and intellectual backgrounds, e.g.: scientists, engineers, artists, politicians, journalists, economists, musicians and environmentalists. All age groups will be represented and the committee will be split equally among the sexes. A key component of the organization will be its online presence.
The organization will communicate via a website that will be designed from its inception to be lightweight and multi-lingual, so that it will be available throughout the world and even to places with small bandwidths and slow connections so as not to assume the primacy of any language and thus to prevent implicit ‘cultural screening’ bias. At the same time, WPB Prizes will propagate its message not only through the actual installation of Peace Bells, but also by telling the story of the communities who have earned the Prize.
This means that WPB Prizes will actively engage with the prize-wining communities and disseminate their message through specially prepared videos, articles in the press, social media and print publications. The WPB Prize will strive to obtain widespread recognition for the prize-winning communities and will seek permission from the United Nations for a location near the UN New York headquarters bell that will mention the communities that have received the WPB Prize.
The prizes will be announced every year on 21 September, the International Day of Peace. Applications can be submitted at any time of the year, but in any given year the cut-off point for that year’s prize will be six months prior to the announcement date (21 March). Applications received after that will be considered for the following year.
その後2001年9月7日の国連総会で世界平和の日(International Day of Peace)は毎年9月21日に決定されました。その日は世界的な紛争の停戦日そして暴力のない日として認定し、一日中戦闘を中止することをすべての国々そして人々に訴える日とすることが国連総会の57番目の会期中に決議されました。
Activity history
The "World Peace Bell" installed at the United Nations Headquarters had been ringing until the time of Secretary-General U Thant, but since then it has been disused and has not been rung. In 1982, during the time of Secretary-General de Cuéllar, the World Peace Bell Association persistently appealed for the purpose of the World Peace Bell donated to the United Nations and sent request letters to the Secretary General to request to ring the bell, then finally, Secretary General Ghali decided that the opening date of the United Nations General Assembly in September was set as the International Peace Day. Then after It has become a custom that the Secretary-General holds a bell-striking ceremony every year on the opening date of the United Nations General Assembly in September to send a message of peace to the world.
Afterwards, at the United Nations General Assembly on September 7, 2001 the United Nations set the International Day of Peace on September 21, every year. During the 57th session of the UN General Assembly, the day was identified as a ceasefire-free and violence-free day of global conflict, and a day to call on all nations and people to stop fighting all day long.
The World Peace Bell, a symbol of peace, which is a common wish of humankind, has been donated to each country of the world and has been playing a big role to appeal to the abolition of nuclear weapons, and slogan that the world is one. We can see the symbol of peace and listen to the sound of peace.
ワールドピースベル協会 東京本部
(「世界平和の鐘」賞 東京事務所)
World Peace Bell Association, Tokyo Head Quarter
(World Peace Bell Prize, Tokyo Office)
5F Hatchobori Building, 4-10-2 Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
email address:
Fax: 03-6280-2367

Admission to the Association:
Since it was established, the Association has consistently committed to the sound of the "World Peace Bell" in hope of world peace, and in the hope that peace will come to the whole world, we are developing a peace activity based on the UN Charter. We are accepting your admission so that more groups and individuals can participate into our activity. We kindly ask for your support and cooperation.
Remark: We have no relationship with ‘’Association for the Preservation of UN Peace Bell‘’ which suddenly appeared and registered in 2016.